Advocating for Racial Equity in Our Schools
[neaToday.com Excerpt by Brenda Alvarez] — National Education Association Ursala Pankonin and Thomas Carlson are two educators from Minnesota with vastly different backgrounds and experiences. Pankonin
[neaToday.com Excerpt by Brenda Alvarez] — National Education Association Ursala Pankonin and Thomas Carlson are two educators from Minnesota with vastly different backgrounds and experiences. Pankonin
[HealthyChildren.org Excerpt: by Ashaunta Anderson, M.D. and Jacqueline Douge, M.D.] Given the tragic and racially-charged current events, many parents are wrestling with their own feelings,
By Nick Morrison, Contributor FORBES and Forbes.com Excerpt Racial bias may be to blame for the greater disciplinary problems black students face at school, according
[Excerpt from] The Aspen Institute — Roundtable on Community Change Glossary for Understanding the Dismantling Structural Racism/Promoting Racial Equity Analysis We hope that this glossary
[Excerpt: Article written by: Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman] At the Children’s Research Lab at the University of Texas, a database is kept on thousands
[An Excerpt from The Washington Post – written by Carolyn Y. Johnson] A widely used algorithm that predicts which patients will benefit from extra medical
Published by Inequality.org — Excerpt Systemic racism has contributed to the persistence of race-based gaps that manifest in many different economic indicators. The starkest divides
America’s Unfair Rules of the Road How our transportation system discriminates against the most vulnerable. [Excerpt] By Corinne Ramey Photo Credit: Joshua Lott/AFP/Getty Images At
The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations and Its Role in Maintaining White Supremacy Through Mathematics Education — (An Excerpt) Authored by: Laurie Rubel (City University
Physician and sociologist Jonathan M. Metzl travels across America’s heartland seeking to better understand the politics of racial resentment and its impact on
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