An Open Letter to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education from the Campaign for Racial Equity In Our Schools & the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP
On Thursday, February 18 many of us at home watched with deep sadness and incredulity as the Chapel Hill Carrboro City School Board moved haltingly, and largely in deafening silence, through a highly flawed process to fill a vacant seat. During the time designated for deliberative decision-making, our elected representatives failed to live up to their own stated commitments to operate with transparency, accountability, and prioritized attention to addressing the racial inequities that continue to shame our district. In our view, Lisa Kaylie, who received the appointment, was a highly qualified, well-respected candidate among other highly qualified, well-respected candidates. Our letter is not to suggest that the Board made the wrong decision. We don’t know. The process they used was fraught with so many problems, that in the end, it left many concerned about how this board makes important decisions.